WELLBE COIN A Cryptocurrency for the Fitness Industry
Blockchain technology allows for improved linkage of fitness resources, exercise equipment, and upstream and downstream service providers and participants to make the gym accessible to all. The whole fitness business will be integrated into a comprehensive ecosystem with the introduction of Blockchain, using all resources; fitness professionals; providers; clubs; practitioners; items in the periphery. This Blockchain-associated coin delivers several advantages and advantages at all levels and for everybody.
Most cryptocurrencies have a mining mechanism in place today that recognizes individuals with their graphics cards or CPUs or specialist mining equipment. It functions like inflation or may even be seen as a kind of cryptocurrency “tax.” Bitcoin alone “burns” mining money a year over FIVE BILLION.
We regard Bitcoin’s big mining prize as an over-kill and believe that Bitcoin could be as secure with just part of its mining prize (as proved by that, even if capitalization and mining rewards were as low as 10–10 as they are today, Bitcoin has a large security network). If Bitcoin were to run a similar system to WellBe, Bitcoin would now be allocated annually for development and growth BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WellBe tries to fill this gap. This is a big missing value. Combining this with management and intelligent contracts, are the main features of the most powerful cryptocurrencies in the future.
The strength of WellBe’s combination of characteristics is vital to comprehend, while also supporting a powerful vision. Our treasury supports hundreds of fitness and sports organizations, while financing marketing and business development professionals to raise user awareness and encourage commercial acceptance on the market. Everyone. WellBe will ultimately even assist open regulatory paths in nations throughout the world to enable deep integration. Check out our roadmap to have a better understanding of where we headed.
Cryptocurrency is the future of money, enabling individuals to escape from centralized monetary systems to attain freedom and progress. Adapting it to a particular section of the business is the method to assure genuine and controllable growth in that business and to reward every stakeholder in the ecosystem.
We decided to create a foundation (TRESOR) to maintain the relative stability and expansion of the WELB to achieve enormous acceptance in the fitness sector.
WellBe has an ICO and tokens and has a robust cash flow and development structure. Our treasure is typical of our money, which is seldom seen on the market in most cryptos. The WellBe treasury is decentralized and constitutes the FIAT reserve, which guarantees the WELB. WellBe can therefore promise an annual rise of 15 percent from its worth, while the Treasury budget will increase with WellBe growing, so enabling for further expansion.
In addition to the Treasury, the WellBe Coin finances a Solidarity Aid Fund (FAS), which is the PROJECT in the center of the PROJECT. This fund is aimed at supporting, accompanying, and aiding fitness structures and at growing, innovating, and emerging from a single crisis. WellBe works to determine and promote activities that have the greatest absolute worth in return for our efforts. For that reason, WellBe commits 40% of its budget to development because we want to see each euro in our ecosystem contribute more to technology development, marketing, and campaigning than the euro with a new added value. This will strengthen the Community and hence the broad acceptance of the WELB we seek.
Invest the fitness and sports world in the new virtual currency! Speed, safety, stability Speed This future world currency is proposed by current cryptocurrencies as an optimum blend of strategies.
Why invest in WELLBE virtual currency?
Because it’s a likely currency to expand swiftly with over 230 million club members worldwide.
The fitness sector throughout the world continues to support customers in leading better lives, as important markets rise. Wellbe Coin is this industry’s cryptocurrency and Fitness’s future.
· Cryptocurrency emergence, the technology of Blockchain. We’re in a new age, the fitness community.
· Place your money in a secure investment that guarantees a minimum annual increase of 15% owing to its cash flow
· Pay your memberships and be enriched by taking care of yourself at your fitness club in WELB!
Take part in creating a healthy, unified industry, in which all actors are concerned about well-being and health.
Q1 2021
· January 2021: WELLBE presentation to the partners selected to begin this project (RESOFIT, FITNESS ACADEMIE)
· Pre-development: issuing coins, allocation of different wallets, such as the treasury, and basic designs (Wallet, dApps, ICO, Earndrop)
· Treasury and WellBe Coin Bone implementation
· In January 2021, development starts.
· Block Explorer are now live in January 2021
· Online Trials February 2021
· Start of the first phase in March 2021 Coin Aetherrop WellBe
Q2 2021
· WELB prizes of the first Airdrop campaign are distributed in April 2021
· ICO Start in April 2021
· April 2021 transfer to the Binance Smart Chain from Ethereum blockchain
· BodyFitness Show May 2021 (presentation of the WellBe Coin to French Fitness players)
· STAKING Contract implementation June 2021
Q3 2021
· Stakers live! Stakers live! Rewards start on 9 July, around five months after the debut, to guarantee a fair distribution, giving members of the community sufficient time to build up.
· AirDrop’s 1st phase is now finished and 500 000 WELBs are delivered, with social media coverage covering more than 20 000 Internet users.
Q4 2021
· Phases 2 and 3 of Eardrop start
· WELB.03 is being developed like Crypto.com Metal Card (WELB bank card building)
· Creation of the Video Game and WELLBE application (in application)
· Extend marketing efforts to increase the number of clubs and different fitness players. Target: to rally major franchisees in their structures using WELB as a source of payment
Q1 2022
· WellBe Coin 3.0, which has been entirely compatible from the very first with the platform of Ethereum and integrates our Treasure, master nodes and management systems, all in one, permits virtually complete use of its powers. WellBe Coin 3.0 c ‘is the upgrade system that makes it even safer before using WellBe Coin ‘real-life.’
· Earndrop 2nd and 3rd phase end and 4th phase beginning
· The first WellBe Coin Crystal Cards are released and supplied
Q2 2022
· Giga’s WELB marketing effort across the continent before its worldwide introduction. European marketing campaign.
· In 2022 WellBe Coin will construct its own WELL blockchain and will quit the Ethereum blockchain to offer a wide range of decentralized, completely secure, and totally autonomous services. Our progress in the realm of fitness and sport is not only globally significant but also in other fields in the future construction of new BlockChain WELL coins.
Wellbe Coin Tokenomics
· Name: Wellbe Coin
· Token Ticker: WELB
· Network Type: Binance Smart Chain token
· Maximum Supply: 2 million Tokens
· First Cloud Sale Price: €0.09
The fitness and sports sector has withstood a lot of challenging situations and the test of time. The current Covid 19 Pandemic paralyzed so many other areas, yet all the odds were met by sport and fitness sectors. The Wellbe Coin was designed to promote sports and fitness payments and value exchange and was established with the goal of universal acceptance. Be a part of this effort, it’s an amazing project!
For more information
Twitter — https://twitter.com/WellbeCoin
Website — https://www.wellbe-coin.com/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/wellbecoin/
Whitepaper — https://www.wellbe-coin.com/t-en-gb/whitepaper/le-livre-blanc
Telegram — https://t.me/wellbecoingroupe
Altcoinstalks Username: Luna 21
Altcoinstalks: https://www.altcoinstalks.com/index.php?action=profile;area=summary;u=78394
Proof of Authentication link: https://www.altcoinstalks.com/index.php?topic=209485.msg1164749#msg1164749
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x07165B5C9Fb7a06Db7F5dE5deeba9a9C23A7393E